25 research outputs found

    Social insurance system in the Czech Republic

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá posouzením rovnosti nastavení systému sociálního pojištění v České republice pro zaměstnance a OSVČ. V teoretické části je provedena obecná analýza tohoto systému. V praktické části jsou nejdříve namodelovány příklady zaměstnance a OSVČ v běžném i paušálním režimu. Poté jsou vypočteny jejich odvody pojistného na sociální pojištění. Dále jsou vyčísleny jednotlivé dávky nemocenského pojištění a je posouzeno, do jaké míry nahrazují u všech zmíněných pojištěnců jejich ušlý čistý příjem. V závěru práce je provedena identifikace nejvýraznějších zjištěných rozdílů.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis deals with the assessment of the equality of social insurance rates between employees and self-employed persons in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the bachelors thesis focuses on description and analysis of the social insurance system generally. The analytical part includes examples of an employee and self-employed person and calculates their social insurance contributions. There are also evaluated their sickness insurance benefits and it is assessed to what extent they compensate losses of insured persons for their lost net income. The end of the bachelors thesis focuses on identification of the most significant differences

    Physiotherapeutic Care of a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je zhodnocení účinků fyzioterapie u pacienta s diagnózou ankylozující spondylitida a přidružených onemocnění. Teoretická část obsahuje základní informace o ankylozující spondylitidě a možnostech její léčby. Je zde obecně popsána i problematika cévní mozkové příhody a chronické obstrukční plicní nemoci. Metodika práce se zaměřuje na konkrétní vyšetřovací a terapeutické metody a postupy, které jsem při terapii s pacientem využila. Speciální část je zpracována formou kazuistiky, která obsahuje odebranou anamnézu od pacienta, vstupní vyšetření, krátkodobý a dlouhodobý rehabilitační plán a jednotlivé terapeutické jednotky. V kapitole Výsledky práce je na základě vstupního a výstupního vyšetření zhodnocen vliv terapie u pacienta s ankylozující spondylitidou a přidruženými onemocněními. Zde se potvrdil kladný efekt fyzioterapeutického působení. V Závěru práce je zhodnocení splnění cílů a přínos práce. V Diskuzi je pojednáno o problematice vybraného tématu.The bachelor paper aims to asses the effects of physiotherapy in a patient diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and associated diseases. The Theoretical section contains basic information on ankylosing spondylitis, possibilities of treatment and it generally describes a stroke (cerebrovascular insult) and a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Methodology section focuses on specific assessment and therapeutic methods employed within the sessions with a patient. The Specialized section is processed in the form of a case study containing the patient´s history, initial assessment, short-term and long-term rehabilitation plan and individual therapeutic units. The section Results evaluates, on the basis of initial and final assessment, the effect of selected therapy in a patient suffering from ankylosing spondylitis and associated diseases. This confirmed a positive effect of physiotherapy sessions. The Conclusion of the paper evaluates the goals and contribution of the work. The Discussion section depicts the field of selected theme

    Dynamics of lactose changes during ripening of Edam cheese

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    The published data show that milk and dairy products are an important part of the diet in the European population and the population of North America, where they cover from 20 to 30% of protein, 15% of lipids and about 80% of calcium from food sources. The exclusion of milk and dairy products from human diet due to lactose intolerance (approximately 75% of the global population are lactose malabsorbers) can cause very serious health consequences. From a public health point of view, it is therefore extremely important for diary products to capture all the facts about the fluctuation process or rather reduction of lactose content during dairy production technology. The aim of our study was to determine the lactose in various stages of Edam cheese ripening, to assess its suitability for consumption on the afflicted population. For the determination of lactose (day of production, first, second and sixth month of storage) the reference enzymatic method using the enzymatic set Megazyme International Ireland with a detection limit of 0.00296 g.100 g-1was applied. This set is intended for determination of lactose in samples presented as low-lactose or lactose-free products and is based on the hydrolysis of lactose to D-galactose and D-glucose by the enzyme β-galactosidase. After the subsequent oxidation of galactose, the amount of formed NADH (stoichiometrically related to the amount of lactose contained in the sample) is measured in a spectrophotometer at 340 nm.  According to current legislation, the lactose-free product must contain less than 10 mg of lactose per 100 g or 100 mL of the consumed product, while a product that contains up to 1 g of lactose in 100 g or 100 mL of the product consumed is considered as a product with low lactose content. The study results showed that even after one month of storage Edam cheese can be, according to current national and EU legislation, designated as a lactose-free food. This means that the consumer receives a lactose-free product whenever buying this type of cheese

    Analyse and subsequent optimization of business processes

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    Předložená práce je zaměřena na sjednocení a aktualizaci procesních popisů určených Sales týmu společnosti Kerio Technologies, s. r. o. a na následný návrh metodiky, která je určena pro budoucí popis procesů. První část práce je věnována společnosti Kerio Technologies, s. r. o. především pak systémům, které používá ke správě svých zákazníků a charakteristice Sales týmu. Další část práce obsahuje problémy, které byly identifikovány v průběhu práce na přepisu procesní dokumentace spolu s návrhy jejich řešení a ukázkami navrhovaných řešení v praxi. Dále se práce věnuje metodice, která byla pro popis procesu ve společnosti zavedena. Poslední část vyhodnocuje spokojenost Sales týmu s procesními popisy.ObhájenoThis thesis is focused on unification and updating process descriptions mostly used by Sales team of the company Kerio technologies, s. r. o. and introduction of methodology for future descriptions. The first part is devoted to characteristic of the company , the systems company is using and also characteristic of the Sales team, main user of the descriptions. Another part contains problems, identified during process re-write, suggested solutions and practical examples. After problem solving part, there is an introduction of methodology for future process descriptions. Last part is dedicated to Sales questionnaire which is focused on their satisfaction with updated processes descriptions

    The role of erbB-2 oncogene in the biology of cancer stem-like cells

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    Recent studies indicate the existence of a subpopulation of cells within tumours with stem cell-like characteristics. These "cancer stem-like cells" (CSCs) are relatively resistant to established therapies, usually targeting differentiated and fast proliferating cells. Therefore, CSCs may be a reason for the relapse of neoplastic diseases. CSCs can be characterised by a specific gene expression profile and deregulated signalling pathways. Of these, upregulation of the erbB-2 (HER2) receptor, a hallmark of ~25-30% breast cancer patients, is related to dismal prognosis, elevated proliferation potential and resistance to chemotherapy. Recent evidence has suggested that upregulation of erbB-2 leads to increase in the pool of CSCs. In our study we used mammospheres, cells grown in the absence of serum, an in vitro model of breast CSCs, which were prepared by "weaning" breast cancer MCF7 cells to a special medium. These cells were CD44high and showed increased expression of ABCG-2, Sox-2, Vimentin as well as high levels of erbB-2. Next, we prepared a stable line of MCF7 cells with low levels of erbB-2 by shRNA. ErbB-2low cells were characterised for expression of set of CSCs markers and tested for tumour forming efficacy in nude mice using ultrasound imaging. Keywords Cancer stem-like cells, erbB-2,..

    Apoptosis of Cancer Stem Cells

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    Katedra fyziol. živočichů a vývoj. biol. (zrušena)Dep. of Physiology and Develop. Biology (obsolete)Faculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň / second stage

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    Tématem diplomové práce je zpracování návrhu novostavby sakrálního objektu v Brně-Líšni. Objekt kostela je doplněn o duchovní centrum se zázemím. Kostel má sloužit nejen současné komunitě Salesiánů, ale být otevřený i pro širší okruh věřících i veřejnost. Jedná se o mírně svažitou parcelu ve středu panelové zástavby mezi objektem polikliniky a budovou Salesiánského střediska mládeže (=Salesko). Salesko je nezisková organizace, jejímž posláním je doprovázet především děti a mládež na jejich cestě k dospělosti a přispívat k jejich fyzickému, duševnímu, duchovnímu rozvoji. Středisko staví na preventivním pedagogickém systému Dona Bosca, italského zakladatele salesiánů. Idea vychází z hlavní podstaty Salesiánů - domov, rodinné zázemí, komunita. Návrh zpracovává několik vzájemně propojených provozů v jeden ucelený celek se společným vstupním atriem. Půdorysně objekty napodobují písmeno U, což značí otevřenost pro okolní svět, zároveň zajišťují určité zázemí a pocit bezpečí. Objekty jsou jednopodlažní, pouze samotný liturgický prostor tvořený kruhovým půdorysem tvoří se zvonicí výškovou dominantu. Součástí návrhu je řešení parkovacích stání i volných venkovních ploch. Z urbanistického hlediska je dán důraz na pěší dostupnost, zároveň je zajištěn bezbariérový přístup a užívání stavby.The topic of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of the design of a new sacral building in Brno-Líšeň. The church building is complemented by a spiritual center with facilities. The church is to serve not only the contemporary Salesian community, but also to be open to a wider circle of believers. It is a slightly sloping plot in the middle of a panel building between the polyclinic building and the building of the Salesian Youth Center (= Salesko). Salesko is a non-profit organization whose mission is to accompany children and young people on their journey to adulthood and contribute to their physical, mental and spiritual development. The center builds on the preventive pedagogical system of Don Bosco, the founder of the Salesians. The idea is based on the main essence of the Salesians - home, family background, community. The design processes several interconnected operations into one complete unit with a common entrance atrium. The floor plan of the objects imitates the letter U, which means openness to the surrounding world, while also providing a certain background - safety. The buildings are single-storey, only the liturgical space itself, formed by a circular floor plan, forms a dominant dominant with a bell tower. Part of the design is the solution of parking spaces and free outdoor areas. From the urban point of view, emphasis is placed on walking accessibility, at the same time barrier-free access and use of the building is ensured.

    Usage classification trees in market analysis

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    In my thesis I dealt with usage classification trees in market analysis, whereas I focused on area providing mobile services. The aim of my work was, by use of progressive methodology CART (classification and regression trees), to identify important factors biasing consumer behavior. On the basis of this questionnaire inquiry I have came the opinion, that consumers purchase mobile phone services base on their net monthly income, age, occupation, services required and whether they use the mobile service for personal or business purposes

    The role of erbB-2 oncogene in the biology of cancer stem-like cells

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    Recent studies indicate the existence of a subpopulation of cells within tumours with stem cell-like characteristics. These "cancer stem-like cells" (CSCs) are relatively resistant to established therapies, usually targeting differentiated and fast proliferating cells. Therefore, CSCs may be a reason for the relapse of neoplastic diseases. CSCs can be characterised by a specific gene expression profile and deregulated signalling pathways. Of these, upregulation of the erbB-2 (HER2) receptor, a hallmark of ~25-30% breast cancer patients, is related to dismal prognosis, elevated proliferation potential and resistance to chemotherapy. Recent evidence has suggested that upregulation of erbB-2 leads to increase in the pool of CSCs. In our study we used mammospheres, cells grown in the absence of serum, an in vitro model of breast CSCs, which were prepared by "weaning" breast cancer MCF7 cells to a special medium. These cells were CD44high and showed increased expression of ABCG-2, Sox-2, Vimentin as well as high levels of erbB-2. Next, we prepared a stable line of MCF7 cells with low levels of erbB-2 by shRNA. ErbB-2low cells were characterised for expression of set of CSCs markers and tested for tumour forming efficacy in nude mice using ultrasound imaging. Keywords Cancer stem-like cells, erbB-2,..